Data Management
1. The CEO must appoint a data manager to set up and maintain a data management system. The employee is responsible for the ICT system, creating adequate digital archives and backups, as well as performing data protection tasks.
2. The employee ensures that all data stored by the organization comply with the requirements established by national data protection legislati In the event of any complaints about data protection issues, the officer will carry out an investigation and report the matter to the CEO.
3. Students, staff and external parties must, whenever possible, be involved in data analysis and follow-up activities to ensure their contribution is not limited to the provision of information. The results of any surveys or data collection must be discussed with the interested parties or their representat The feedback received will then be taken into account when developing recommendations or follow-up actions.
4. The data manager must collaborate with each organization unit to draw up the most suitable system for the collection of the necessary data to meet the needs of the unit. The analysis of the data thus collected will be used to process the necessary information for the management of its area of expertis
5. The data manager must ensure that all information relating to student progression throughout the program is collected and managed correctly. The data collected must include information to comply with legal obligations or to satisfy the requests made by national education authorit
6. On the basis of these data, the management produces, each year, a profile of the student population, highlighting specific characteristics such as nationality and the prevalence of groups considered vulnerab This profile must be built on: (a) data collected at the time of registration, from the registration forms to the interviews, in the case of specific characteristics such as nationality; and (b) qualitative evaluations/reports prepared by the student support officer (SSO), consulting with the relevant professionals, when necessary, to deal with issues in which students may seem vulnerable for a variety of reasons. These reports/evaluations can be triggered by specific requests from the students themselves or by people close to them (before or after enrolment), or by situations that may arise requiring the intervention of management, teachers and academic staff, or other staff or external service providers, to support the student.
7. Both quantitative data – course participation, retention and success rates – and qualitative data – students’ satisfaction and the evaluation of the different aspects of each unit of study – will provide the statistics and objective value needed for each program offered.
8. Tracking studies must be conducted periodically, generally every three years, to gather information on employment rates and the careers of the graduat The data must be collected through surveys conducted with graduates, contacted by email or other channels. Relevant statistics should be published on the website after verifying that the information complies with national and European data protection regulations.