DA.030 Directing techniques II ETCS.6

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Anna Chiara Sabatino
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Last Update 14/12/2022
0 already enrolled

About This Course

This is a core module for students in the Digital Animation stream.

The course is a continuation of the second-year module on the same topic.  It focuses on the role of the director and the changes brought about by the new technologies.  It will explore further approaches to directing, elaborating on the theories and techniques introduced in the first module.  Moreover, it will examine the relationship between the roles of the director and other figures in the production, starting with the producer, performers and the audience itself.  Students will carry out their own research on some of the issues related to the creative and cultural industries in contemporary society, and their impact on the directing of audiovisual productions.  Screenings of films of specific directors, including animated ones, will accompany the lectures.

Your Instructors

Anna Chiara Sabatino

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EDUCATION 2018 Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze della Comunicazione, Università degli Studi di Salerno 2015 Laurea Magistrale in Teoria dei Processi Comunicativi, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila 2014 Diploma di alta specializzazione in reportage audiovisivo, centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Abruzzo 2012 Laurea Triennale in Arti e Scienze dello Spettacolo, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
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