

Bachelor’s Degree

Enrolment Application

In this section of the site it is possible to complete the pre-enrollment procedure for the degree courses provided by the Valletta Higher Education Institute. Enrollments in three-year and master’s degree courses are made by filling in the application online. For enrollment in the Masters, specialization and professional updating courses and single exams, it is possible to contact.


To access the IUDAV-VHEI courses it is necessary to have one of the following qualifications:
Five-year high school diploma.
Four-year high school diploma with additional year.
Four-year high school diploma issued by upper secondary education institutions, where the supplementary year is no longer active.
Qualification obtained abroad after at least 12 years of schooling.

Before starting the pre-enrollment procedure it is necessary to fill in the following documents:
Annex 1 – Student Contract.
Annex 2 – Financial Statements.
For Italian Students
Italian students will also have to provide:
Diploma (LVL 5).
Attachment 3 – Declaration of non-simultaneous enrollment in another university.
Tax Code (Formally Codice Fiscale) front/back.
For Maltese Students
MATSEC Certificate and SEC passes in English Language (grade 5) and Maths (grade 3), or equivalent.
Mature students (21-year-olds or having practical experience) may also apply.


Personal Data

Enter your personal data, residential address and contact information.

School Career

Enter the data of your school career and the degree course you want to apply.

Documents Upload

Upload your identification documents and attachments.


  • Start
  • Personal Data
  • School Career
  • Documents Upload
  • Completed


I authorise the processing of my personal data for the purposes of this registration. I understand that the data will not be disclosed to third parties as established by current legislation.

Personal Details



Contact Data

Attended school

Choose the degree course

Degree course



Identity Card or Passport

Max. size: 150.0 MB

Fiscal Code

Max. size: 150.0 MB

Annex 1

Max. size: 150.0 MB

Annex 2

Max. size: 150.0 MB

Annex 3

Max. size: 150.0 MB

Diploma Certificate (LVL 5)

Max. size: 150.0 MB

Thank You

Thank you for your application for admission to Valletta Higher Education Institute. Before sending the application, we remind you that the data provided will be examined by the administration. At the end of the procedure you will receive all the details at the email address you provided.